Customer Care No 9281452375


Water Probiotic


Composition :

B.subtilis, B.licheniformis, B.polymyxa, B.megaterium, B.pumulis, Thiobacillus denitrificans, Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus niger, Pseudomonas denitrificans, Bacillus coagulans.

Storage And Handling :

Do Not Freeze Optimum temperature of Storage 30 ° C or below. Avoid direct sunlight. Store in a cool and dry place

Benefits :

Neo Sense water probiotic for shrimp/fish is a unique live bacterial consortium , by producing large amount of waste degrading enzymes like amylase, protease, lipase and cellulase, it improves pond environment by converting complex compounds to simple form for easy bio degradation

Dosage :

1 kg for acre every 15 days or as advised by the Aqua consultant Antibiotic Free Steroidal Free

Presentation :

1 Kg

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