V-Soft Powder

Water Softener & Hardness Controller
V-Soft Consists the Grade-I Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acide (EDTA) for aquaculture purposes added with minerals.
Benefits :
- Reduces hard shell problems of shrimps.
- Corrects Hardness and Alkalinity problems of pond water
- Reduces effects of excess iron and other toxic heavy metals in the pond.
- Reduces water tubidity & suspended solids.
- Makes pollution fee pond water.
- Promotes healthy plankton bloom.
- Makes bore well water suitabillity for aquaculture.
- Helps for relieving stress and more activeness.
- Maintains optimum pH levels in pond waters.
Regular use : 1 Kg per acre of feed & consult your Aquaculture Specialist for specific usage and directions.
Presentation :
1 Kg