Customer Care No 9281452375

Neomin Forte M+

Specially Formulated Soluble Minerals for Vennamei

Neomin Forte M+


Regular use : 5 Kg per one acre (once in 7 days)
Before stocking of seed 10 kg per acre. (Morning 9-10 am mixed with pond water

Composition  :

Moulting is a biological course which occurs on a regular basis moulting phase is the most critical phase for shrimp, because at this phase, the shrimp is in eak condition the hardned outer shell layer is not yet ready, making shrimp very susceptible to diseases, infection and attak by other shrirnps (cannibalism) and predators. besides this the shrimp are also very vulnerable to environmental changes that occur in the pond. During this critical phase, there is a concentrated requirement of bioavailable minerals, which not only boosts the immunity of the shrimp, but also suppltes the required minerals necessary for the formulation of the hardened outer shell layer.

Neo Min Forte-M Plus is specially formulated for vennamei and manufactured under strict quality control assurance

Benefits :

  • Stimulates and regulates moulting improves the level of minerals in pond.
  • Prevents and control loose shell and soft shell disease.
  • helps for quick formation of hardened outer shell layer
  • Acts as growth promoter in shrimp.
  • Makes the shrimp strong to fight with diseases.



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