Neodox Powder

Special Grade Aqua Zeolite with DO Enhancer
Zeolite, Sodium Bentonite, Calcium Peroxide, Sodium Perborate, Macro and Micro nutrients
Benefits :
- Improves dissolved oxygen level and reduce COD and BOD levels
- Removes off flavours and poisonous gases like Ammonia, H2S, SO2, etc.,
- Avoid stress and improves the health and survival diseases
- Reduce incidence of viral, protozoal and fungal diseases.
- Improves the water quality and clarity
- Prevents sludge formation ot the pond bottom and improves the growth of Phytoplankton and zooplankton
- Reduces water turbidity and enhance the water softness.
Dosage :
25 Kg. / Acre / dose depends up on condition or Consult your aqua specialist
Presentation :
25 Kgs